Book Reviews on Beattie’s Blog


My blog started out as a writer’s blog and along the way it has morphed into a travelogue.   I thought it time to bring the focus back to literature and what better way than to showcase the book reviews that I have written over the last couple of years for Graham Beattie’s blog.

I am extremely grateful to Graham for giving me a voice as a reviewer, something I really enjoy and feel confident in doing because of the experiences I have had in belonging to no less than three book groups.

In a small country like New Zealand it is difficult for reviewers because we are a small literary community and there are many connections.   I’ve had my share of both good and bad reviews and the only important thing that I require from a review is that it is the truth from that reader, how they respond to the work and integrity is all we can ask for, not specifically praise.

I would never review a book simply to appease an author, and so my reviews are my response both as a reader and writer (always enthusiastic, and entirely my own opinions, except of course, when I quote my terribly clever book club friends).

If you get time, and any of these titles appeal, or indeed you have read them, do let me know if you agree, disagree, like or dislike.   The reason for a blog is of course, to encourage feedback and conversation about the things we writers and readers all love – books.

(And of course, I shall continue now and then to feed you photos of my travels – of course I will).

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